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If you are interested in reading more about some topics that make the Reformed Presbyterian Church distinct, see below.

History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

William J. Edgar, History of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1871-1920. Published in 2020, available from Crown & Covenant Publications. https://crownandcovenant.com/

Gaines Foster, Moral Reconstruction, 2002.


Athanasius, Letter to Marcellinus. https://www.trinityorthodox.ca/sites/default/files/Athanasius-ToMarcellinus.pdf

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Psalms, The Prayer Book of the Bible

Michael LeFebvre, Singing the Psalms of Jesus: Revisiting the Psalms

Singing without instrumental accompaniment

John Girardeau, Instrumental Music in the Public Worship of the Church

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, see excerpt opposing organs at https://heidelblog.net/2014/09/aquinas-the-use-of-instruments-in-public-worship-is-judaizing/

John Calvin, excerpts from commentaries: https://reformedbooksonline.com/john-calvin-on-musical-instruments-in-worship/

Women Deacons

Christian Adjemian, http://www.reformedprescambridge.com/articles/women_deacons.pdf

The Reformed Presbyterian and Covenanter, https://rparchives.org/data/RP_Covenanter/rpc1888.pdf-Red.pdf scroll down to pp. 423-435 in the browser (pp. 383-394 in the text).

The Minutes of the 2002 Synod, https://rparchives.org/data/Minutes%20of%20Synod/2002%20Minutes.pdf, see pp. 114-122.

For more resources, see http://www.reformedprescambridge.com/ and click on articles.

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